112 Activities

112.11.22 Talks from Professor Jih-Hwa Guh(School of Pharmacy, NTU)

112.11.10 Pizza Party of Master Class

112.11.08 Talks from Mina (Taiwan Young Patient Association)

112.10.03 Visit of Herbarium of National Research Institute of Chinese Medicine, MOHW

112.09.27 Talks from CHANG,CHIH-JUNG(EirGenix Inc.)

112.09.18 Talks of Life and Learning Experiences at Kuang-Fu Campus

112.09.15 Orientation of Master Program of the Department of Pharmacy 

112.09.01 8th Taiwan-Japan Joint Symposium for Pharmaceutical Sciences

112.06.10 Graduation Ceremony

112.06.01 Pharmacy Research Day

112.05.07 The First Alumni

112.04.19 Activities

112.04.14 Mandy Liu (Meta Tech Inc.)

112.04.08 Exposition

112.03.10 Academic visit from Yokohama College of Pharmacy

112.03.10 HONG,GUO-DENG (Ministry of Health and Welfare)

112.02.15 Mentor meeting at Kuang-Fu Campus